Saturday, January 30, 2010

I knew it.....

So Tonight I was putting my son Hunter to bed. He is learning more and more words that he can use. Right now I am trying to teach him I love you. He can say all of those words just not together I don't know why. So this is how tonight speech practice goes:

Me: "Hunter I love you"
*Hunter smiles
Me: "Hunter say Mama"
Hunter: "Mama"
Me: "say I"
Hunter: "I"
Me: " say love"
Hunter: "Love"
Me: "say you"
Hunter: "Dada"

Well I'm really glad he loves his daddy and I know he loves me too because sometimes he will hug me and cuddle. And he always has a smile ready I just hope that someday he can say I love you to me. He is really cute :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Well last night it happened, Payback! We don't know what is going on with the pipes in our apartment, but they are freaking out. We have flooded our downstairs neighbors multiple times when nothing that we can see is leaking and now our upstairs neighbors flooded us and badly. There was water pouring out of both of our bathroom fans, good thing we have buckets. I think that everyone has to have a least one apartment like this so that they can appreciate a well working house when they get it.