Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You gotta love grandma.

I thought I would just post a little about how grateful I am to have the wonderful mother in law that I have. Real quick I want to say in case my mother somehow hears about this post I want to say that she is wonderful and that I absolutely love her with all my heart, but I want this post to be about Bj so here goes. Bj has watched Hunter more times than I can remember she has never complained, she has never asked for payment, and she always has the best advice. I am a much calmer mother because of her I would always be in a panic if she hadn't taught me that children do things at their own pace and that everything will happen when it happens. Yesterday Hunter started choking on a chuck of food and I had to do the Heimlich maneuver on him and everything was fine. What amazed me the most is when I saw him choking I didn't panic I just went into action and got the food out. While Hunter was choking I heard Bj's voice in my head saying he is going to be okay just do what you need to do to help him and whatever you do don't panic it will just make things worse. Bj you are amazing I don't think there is another word to describe you I am so very grateful to have such a wonderful example of one of the best mothers I have ever come across. I am the mother that I am because of you and my mom, the two very best women in the world. Thank you for all that you do and for the listening ear, you have no idea how much that has meant to me like when my grandmother died and you let my cry and talk to you I really appreciated that. You have always been there for Andrew and I when we needed you and never made us feel like we were horrible people for needing your help. Bj I love you thank you for the talks, the advice, the jokes, the babysitting, the music ( that has kept your grandson alive at times), and the patience. I am glad that you have such a wonderful worry free attitude I hope that someday I can learn to have that same attitude. Bj I just wanted to let you know how I feel. I love you and thank you.

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